Revenue (Units in RMB) Sales Volume (Units in Tonnes) Net Profit (Units in RMB)
3,490.5 million 206,996 372.5 million
3,825.1 million 186,153 642.4 million
3,725.2 million 195,405 506.3 million




Brands We Work With
Chairman's Statement
The Group has significantly enlarged its production capacity in a calibrated manner in recent years, enabling us to effectively meet the growing demand for our products. Our robust financial strength enables us to implement expansion and operational plans with ease. The high-quality products and services we offer uphold strong and favorable customer relationships.
Xu Cheng Qiu
Executive Chairman
For full Chairman’s message, view here.
Our Global Presence

The Group has over 1,000 customers, and continues to serve more than 3/4 of the world’s top 75 tire-makers. Our accelerators’ market share continued to grow to 35% in the PRC and 23% in the global market. Being the world’s largest auto market and with the increasing purchasing power of the Chinese population, we believe China’s auto market will remain robust over the next few years.

Sustainable Approach


“Altruism is not a trivial matter; Mindfulness serves to propel the journey forward”

Adhering to the shared values of “putting people first” and “mindfulness and altruism,” the Group, along with customers, employees, shareholders, and other stakeholders, forms a community of shared interests to realise common values. This embodies the Group’s greatest social value.

Sustainability Report 2023


Group Structure